Recommended Technology, Tools, and Resources for Therapists and Counselors
Recommendations for technology, web sites, secure email, phone, credit card processing, therapy tools/interventions, podcasts, and much more!
Recommendations for technology, web sites, secure email, phone, credit card processing, therapy tools/interventions, podcasts, and much more!
Technology expert, Licensed Professional Counselor, and CEO of Tame Your Practice, Rob Reinhardt provides his insightful reviews of EHR – Practice Management Systems intended for therapists in private practice.
I often help mental health clinicians create and follow-through with a plan to go paperless in their private practice. Following is a brief checklist of what that often entails:
As a mental health professional, you’ve probably been hearing a lot about how you should encrypt your email communications with clients. This is true, with some caveats.
With growing frequency, vendors market their software, devices, and services as “HIPAA Compliant”. This feeds into the mistaken belief that such beasts exist. It’s somewhat understandable.