Cloud Practice Management System EHR/EMR – Reviews

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EHR Reviews by a Therapist and Information Technology Expert

Rob Reinhardt is an Information Technology, Ethics, and HIPAA Expert. He’s also a Licensed Professional Counselor who’s been in private practice, and evaluating and reviewing EHRs, for over a decade. He is uniquely qualified to provide insight, and evaluate solutions from a business, technological, ethics, and clinical perspective.

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Valley Hope Review

Valley Hope iAC/ESS – Brief

This system was developed for a residential chemical dependency treatment program and they are now hoping to branch out to offer it to other providers. 

CounSol – Review

CounSol is a standout choice for solo clinicians who desire the ability to customize.  In 2015 they introduced electronic claims filing and now also feature integrated ERAs.
Office Ally Review

Office Ally – Review

Many of the features one might want in a Practice Management System are present in the free version of the OfficeAlly product (Practice Mate). The pieces that aren't there can be found in Patient Ally (Client Portal) and EHR 24/7 (More refined EHR features). 
stepnotes review

STEPNotes – Review

STEPNotes was developed by Dr. Rhonda Sutton when she realized that most counselor education programs didn't adequately address the completion of good progress notes.
Practice Fusion Review

Practice Fusion – Review

At the beginning of March, 2018, Practice Fusion announced that they will no longer be offering free accounts as of June 1, 2018. New users must sign up for a paid account and current users must sign up for a subscription by May 31, or be given limited access.
CentralReach Review

CentralReach – Review

CentralReach starts off with a wonderful premise and shows a lot of promise.  A newcomer to the market (launched in late 2012), CentralReach endeavors to not only provide a Meaningful-Use Certified EHR for mental health professionals, but also a tool through which  users and other professionals can collaborate.

Carepaths EHR – Review

Carepath's eRecord application packs an impressive array of features. They have all the major feature categories covered and have some unique offerings like a complete suite of note and assessment templates. 
therapy appointment review

Therapy Appointment – Review

TherapyAppointment 2.0 has arrived (2019), and it looks great! TherapyAppointment was one of the first applications in this market that serves solo and group behavioral health private practices.
Valant Review

Vālant – Review

Long-time readers may remember that I initially ruled Valant out as product for solo and small group practices to consider because of it's pricing.
ClinicSource Review

ClinicSource – Review

Still, ClinicSource's pricing suggests that it's a notch above the other applications in its market.  In many areas of the application it is evident that there is more attention to detail and some features that other applications lack.
Procentive Review

Procentive – Review

Procentive is another in the class of Meaningful Use Certified EHRs that has been working to broaden its marketing appeal.  All but solo, part-time practitioners who want integrated insurance filing are likely to find a pricing and features plan that might work for them with Procentive.
TherapyNotes Review

TherapyNotes – Review

TherapyNotes is a solid contender for those desiring a user-friendly, efficient system and willing to wait for a full-featured Client Portal.
PIMSY Review

PIMSY – Review

PIMSY is rare in that it is a Meaningful Use Certified EHR that was developed specifically for mental health professionals from the start.
Expert EHR Reviews for therapists and counselors.

Cloud Practice Management System EHR/EMR – Reviews

Technology expert, Licensed Professional Counselor, and CEO of Tame Your Practice, Rob Reinhardt provides his insightful reviews of EHR - Practice Management Systems intended for therapists in private practice.
MyClients Plus Review

MyClientsPlus / Jituzu – Review

At first glance, the combination of MyClientsPlus and Jituzu seems enticing. They have all the major feature groups covered and Jituzu even offers integrated credit card processing. The gloss quickly fades however,
Therasoft Review

TheraSoft – Review

Therasoft Online put some significant improvements and new features in place the last time I evaluated it. Particularly noticable is the much more friendly user interface that resulted from a facelift and overall design overhaul.
Expert EHR Reviews for therapists and counselors.

EHR Your Way – Review

EHR Your Way's core selling point is the ability to take your current forms (progress notes, treatment plans, forms you're required to complete as part of a contract, etc.) and integrate them into a robust practice management system.
Expert EHR Reviews for therapists and counselors.

QuicDoc Office – Review

DocuTrac, Inc. has been around for quite some time, starting as a traditional software program focused on documentation.  They eventually acquired Office Therapy, primarily to serve as the financial piece of the practice management system.

TherapyZen – Review

Considering it just became publicly available in 2016, TherapyZen is already off to a solid start. From the helpful set up wizard to the clean, user-friendly interface, there's a lot to like.
Jane EHR Review

Jane – Review

Jane, based in Canada, has been around for several years. Only more recently, however, has it become a viable practice management system marketed to behavioral health practitioners, especially those in the United States.
TherapyPartner Review

TherapyPartner – Review

TherapyPartner has been a player in the realm of cloud-based mental health practice management services for many years. Their original focus was to provide automated credit card billing and statement generation and their primary target market has been professionals in a fee for service practice.
Expert EHR Reviews for therapists and counselors.

Therapy Charts – Review

I was impressed by the demo I was given of TherapyCharts. The GUI/UX is well done and it's obvious a lot of thought was put into work flow.
ICANotes Review

ICANotes – Review

ICANotes has made some improvements since my last update. Most notably, they've shined and polished their scheduling system. In my opinion, it's the most aesthetically pleasing part of the application and now has robust availability search functionality.
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THERAPlatform Review

THERAPlatform -Review

THERAPlatform is a service where the primary feature has always been telehealth and the practice management system has grown around it.
TheraNest Review

TheraNest – Review

TheraNest continues to develop and add new features at a rapid pace. Their newest is the integration of secure video, allowing clinicians to schedule and hold telehealth sessions with clients.
Empathic Review

Empathic – Review

When you combine these missing and underdeveloped features with the price point, Empathic drops into the realm of “Not Likely Contender” for most practices.
Expert EHR Reviews for therapists and counselors.

Delphi PBS – Review

Delphi is a true dinosaur in the cloud-based practice management system market, pre-dating most of the other offerings. Unlike many of the “traditional”  practice management systems that have struggled to keep pace with new rush toward cloud-computing, Delphi has adapted and continued to keep pace with changes in the industry.
WriteUpp Review

WriteUpp – Review

WriteUpp doesn't set out to be everything to everyone.  In fact, they are counting on a target market for those who want the most basic of practice management solutions.  They're off to a good start in that respect, with a nice clean, uncomplicated interface.  
Compulink Review

PsychAdvantage – Review

Compulink Psychadvantage has been around a while and, like Valant, has recently begun offering restructured pricing in an attempt to address the mental health market. 
Therapy Mate Review

TherapyMate – Review

TherapyMate is relative newcomer to the scene, and has made some significant improvements since my original review. It sports a clean, well-organized interface and pricing based on the number of active clients.

PSYBooks – Review

One of the most impressive aspects of PSYBooks is that it has come out of the gates with ERA functionality. Most applications have added that long after launching since it can be one of the more complex features to implement.
Expert EHR Reviews for therapists and counselors.

MHP Office – Review

MHP Office originally was on a fast track for growth.  While maintaining one of its strongest selling points, the “Checkout Wizard”, it had added further standout features that make it a viable application for many practitioners.
simplepractice review

SimplePractice – Review

Since its launch in 2013, SimplePractice quickly became a leading application for solo providers and now they have expanded their feature set to include clinician groups.
BestNotes Review

BestNotes – Review

BestNotes started out as a solution for residential treatment homes and retains a significant market share there.  They've eventually recognized the usefulness of their tool in other environments and have expanded their marketing to include those providing outpatient therapy.

ClinicTracker – Review

ClinicTracker is an application to investigate for larger practices (at least ten users) needing a robust feature set, customization options, and/or a Meaningful Use certified EHR. Small therapy-centric private practices may find ClinicTracker to be overwhelming and cumbersome.
BreezyNotes Review

BreezyNotes – Review

Like so many of these applications, BreezyNotes started out as an application developed by a mental health professional who couldn't find an application that met their needs. In 2015, that application was put out for general public use and is adding features on a regular basis.

About the Author

Rob has been covering technology and business news for mental health professionals since 2011. His extensive experience in IT, business, and private practice allow him to synthesize information in a friendly, digestible manner. He also enjoys time with his family, ultimate frisbee, and board gaming.

Rob Reinhardt

CEO, Tame Your Practice

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