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Full Review

EHRs qualify for a full review if they:

  • Offer or make available a trial or demo account
  • Answer questions about their product and related topics (security, HIPAA)
  • Are focused on the needs of therapist in private practice

Save Time & Money

Save yourself hours of research and avoid the pain of choosing an EHR that is not the best fit for your practice. I can help.


Brief Review

Possible reasons for a brief review include:

  • Product is fairly new to the market
  • Product is missing significant features
  • Vendor has not responded to inquiries
  • Vendor has not allowed access to account for evaluation

Save Time & Money

Save yourself hours of research and avoid the pain of choosing an EHR that is not the best fit for your practice. I can help.

About the Author

Rob has been covering technology and business news for mental health professionals since 2011. His extensive experience in IT, business, and private practice allow him to synthesize information in a friendly, digestible manner. He also enjoys time with his family, ultimate frisbee, and board gaming.

Rob Reinhardt

CEO, Tame Your Practice