What Now?

Chances are you’re here because you’ve purchased the Guide to Choosing an EHR. (If you haven’t, be sure to check it out to read about the 5-Step process to choosing an EHR).
Perhaps you have more questions, or have decided you’d like more help. Following are some links to more information:
- Blog – My blog where I regularly post articles on EHR, Technology, and more.
- EHR Reviews – My reviews of most of the behavioral health-centric EHRs available.
- Newsletter – My free membership subscription which includes the helpful newsletter as well as bonus articles and information.
- Feature Match Service – Having trouble with matching up with an EHR through your evaluation? Or just want to save time, or double-check your result? Check out this affordable service that includes a follow-up consultation.
- Consultation – Perhaps you’d prefer to talk through your options or related questions. This is also a particularly good option for those who have a complex practice situation.
- Contact – Have a quick question about the book or our services? Drop me an email!
If you found the book helpful and want to express thanks, I’d greatly appreciate you posting a review on Amazon!